This page is for all those who are looking for some information about Ekukhanyeni in English. At the moment we unfortunately cannot offer a full English language version of this website. From time to time, however, we will try to translate some of our blog posts, so that you can get an impression of our work.
About Ekukhanyeni:
Ekukhanyeni means „mountain of light and hope“
Ekukhanyeni is a non-profit association founded in 2011 by Helga Josche. Its goal is to help South African children orphaned by AIDS. These often do not go to school, are marginalized and discriminated. The extended families they grow up with are often overstrained with their care.
We have set up three day care centers in the province of Kwazulu-Natal, where we take care of children in kindergarten and school age, providing them with food and clothing. It’s our goal to bring some „light“ into their daily lives and by giving them access to education also give „hope“ of a better life without poverty.
Blog posts: